Practice Stillness
What’s your stillness practice?
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
During this time of year, possibly packed with family events, time with friends, and work colleagues, travel and so much more it can be hard to find a moment to be still. Do you have a stillness practice that works for you during this busy holiday and new year?
Being still can look different ways. I joined a meditation group a few years ago and we practice together in a community led by a beloved and skilled teacher most weekday mornings. I also enjoy a quick quiet moment first thing in the morning in bed, a time for gratitude and a big stretch to start the day. This lasts just a minute or two. I also enjoy the quiet time before sleep, reading a book, reflecting on the day. Some of my ‘stillness’ practices require movement, a type of mindful movement that allows me to connect with my body or nature. I enjoy yoga class and walking outside in nature with my dogs. This is a special time for me. When in yoga, I try to keep my thoughts focused on the movement, my body, and my breath. When walking outside, I observe and absorb the surroundings and also focus on my breath. These restorative practices bring me energy, focus, calm, and increased awareness.
Why should I engage in a stillness practice?
In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.
Deepak Chopra
- It helps you reset. It can restore your energy for times when you need it.
- You might be more able to approach more difficult situations with equanimity.
- It helps to raise awareness of thoughts swirling in our heads. We might become more able to look for patterns and realize what is and isn’t in our control. This can lead to letting go.
- A stillness practice can help can help you show up more effectively for the people around you.
- “Making time for moments of stillness can have powerful mental health benefits.” –The Power of Being Still and How to Practice Stillness
Tips for Finding a Stillness Practice:
- Is there something you already do that helps you reset and focus on your breath?
- You do not need a lot of time. It only takes minutes or maybe even one minute.
- You do not need to actually stay still, walking, yoga, and mindful movement can work too
What is your stillness practice? You may already do something that works for you, that brings you awareness to your body and breath and helps you reset to return to the rest of your life. Take a quick audit of your current daily routines and practices and see what might work for a stillness practice. Could it help you reset, focus on your breath, reflect on your thoughts, appreciate nature, feel gratitude, or connect with your body? Tweak something you already do or try something new. Reflect on how you feel during and after. I wish you the time and space for a stillness practice in the New Year!