Danise Olague

Pri is an outstanding advocate, coach, and leader. She brings her many years of experience as a classroom teacher, division head, and early-career teacher trainer to her work and has a comprehensive approach to coaching and mentoring. Pri is one of the most thoughtful, passionate and engaging educators out there and her attention to detail mixed with strategic thinking makes her a highly effective mentor and coach. As a former colleague, I highly recommend working with Pri on your professional journey.

Danise Olague, Former Colleague, Digital Accessibility Educator

Jen Anderson

When I first started teaching, I was lucky to have Pri in the classroom next door. As a coworker with 20 years of experience already, she became an instant mentor. From classroom systems design, to unit and lesson plan development, to putting our heads together to figure out how to best support a struggling student, Pri was first a listener and then a keen observer. Her thoughtful responses and ideas were rooted in who I was as a teacher and built on my strengths. She was able to help me see for myself the areas where I could try something different or to shift my perspective. Now, many years later, even though she lives on the other side of the country, she is still the first friend I call to help me process a classroom challenge. The calls are filled with honest feedback and practical advice along with a lot of laughter!